The 11 Best Birdwatching Twitter Accounts to Follow
When you stop and think about it, Twitter really is the perfect place for birding enthusiasts. After all, users spend all day “tweeting” about their lives, much like our favorite birds! All jokes aside, Twitter is an ideal platform for birdwatchers. It includes multiple accounts that you can follow to learn more about birding, see fantastic photos of hard-to-spot birds, or even learn more about great birding destinations.
11 Birding Twitter Accounts You Have to Follow
Birding fans have many Twitter accounts to follow, each of which has a slightly different focus. Some of the accounts below are associated with birding magazines, while others are more humorous and designed for entertainment.
1. Amer. Birding Assoc.

The American Birding Association (ABA) has a very active Twitter account that includes regular bird pictures, updates about the association itself, and various resources for birders. These resources make it a great option for birding fans who want an active and enjoyable community with which to engage.
2. Audubon Society

The Audubon Society should be one of the first Twitter accounts that birders follow. This premiere birding group not only protects birds but provides resources for birdwatching fans. Their Twitter account helps you stay updated on all their many important activities.
3. Best Bird

Best Bird is a lighthearted Twitter account that includes information about birds, discussions of various bird-related products, and more. Note that Best Bird is also a birding store, so there are often advertisements for their goods on their account.
4. Birdlife International

Birdlife International is an important global partnership focusing on conserving birds and creating more biodiversity in their environment. Its Twitter account is very active and includes unique information, particularly news about the organization and its daily operations.
5. BirdsRightsActivist

Okay, this Twitter account is just hilarious. It is allegedly written by a real bird who posts against anti-bird sentiment and who constantly tries to run for president. It’s a parody account and is a very fun one, possessing a light tone that many birding fans will likely love.
6. BirdWatchingMagazine

This Twitter account is the official social media site for the United State’s most popular birdwatching magazine. Published every two months, this magazine highlights things like eBird apps, travel information, climate change, unique bird concerns, and much more.
7. Bird Watching

Bird Watching is the United Kingdom’s best-selling birding magazine and is a great option for people interested in birds around the world. It covers a broad range of topics, including popular destinations for birders in the UK, as well as important conservation topics.
8. Bird Watching Asia

As you may guess based on the name, this Twitter account focuses on birding in Asia and is located in Kuala Lumpur. It’s a great option for people who plan on visiting the Asian region to spot birds or who want regular pictures and news on various species in the region.
9. Effin Birds

Before you visit this account, we have to warn you that it uses a lot of foul language for humor. It contrasts curses with beautiful drawings and paintings of birds, which makes it a unique option for bird fans. If potty humor doesn’t offend you or make you laugh uncontrollably, try this account.
10. Mark Avery

Mark Avery is the director of conversation at RSPB (see below) and very active on his personal Twitter account. A huge birding fan, Avery highlights photos, discusses important birding stories, and provides information about RSPB activities and fundraising ventures.
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11. RSPB

RSPB is one of the longest-lasting conservation groups in the world, starting in 1889. While they focus on general conservation, they have a special interest in birds. Their Twitter account is very active and highlights important causes that bird fans may want to follow.
Birdwatching Hashtags to Follow

If you’re new to Twitter and have never used hashtags, they’re a great way to sort through the millions of Twitter posts every day to find things that interest you. Hashtags start with the “#” symbol and feature one or more lowercase words, typically running together as one tag. Once you set up hashtags, Twitter automatically finds any post that uses this tag and puts it at the top of your feed.
The following Twitter hashtags are some of the best that you can set up for your account. They’ll help you find unique content, identify great places to bird, view some fantastic bird photography, and learn more about your favorite species. Frankly, we love these hashtags so much that we use them on our account! So read on to learn more about why they’re a great option for yours.
This hashtag is a little obvious but great for birders to follow. It will highlight any post that talks about The Aubudon Society, including highlighting events by this group and much more. This should help make it easier for you to find an Audubon Society group near you that you can spend time with as well.
If you want to find more general birding posts, this hashtag is perfect. It will catch just about any bird-related post, particularly those from real birders like you who get out in the wild and spot their favorite species. It’s a simple hashtag that should work for just about any situation.
Are you trying to find a great place to go birding but aren’t sure where to start? This hashtag can help! Birders use it when discussing their favorite destinations and may highlight unique areas where you can spot rare birds or areas with great amenities, such as parks or other outdoor destinations.
Do you just love checking out bird pictures and want a Twitter feed filled with amazing shots? Set up this hashtag and you should see some of the best and most gorgeous bird photos on the internet. The variety of pictures is likely to be staggering, considering the number of birders on Twitter.
This general birdwatching tag is useful for finding posts about many birding topics, including advice, pictures, great destinations, fantastic photos, and much more. It is one of the first hashtags that you should use on Twitter if you want to get the most out of it.
Birders may use this hashtag when they spot a challenging bird that’s taken them awhile to find. It’s a good hashtag because you can learn about their struggle, see pictures, and potentially even make a new birding friend by commenting on their posts.
Have you been trying to spot a rare bird for years and just can’t seem to find it? Try this hashtag on your Twitter account. Birders often use it to highlight those tricky birds that birders love to hate, including spots where the bird may be easier to find or identify.
Birds are so much fun to watch because they’re unpredictable, intelligent, and sometimes downright weird. This hashtag is so much fun to follow because you’ll see fun and odd pictures and videos of birds at their weirdest, often doing things you simply wouldn’t expect a bird to do.
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Why Twitter is Good for Birdwatchers
Twitter is a unique social media outlet because it provides a constant, real-time feed for users that lets them connect directly with other accounts. This setup is perfect for birding fans and birdwatchers and can provide a myriad of benefits that make it a useful way to improve your hobby.

Provides Unique Birding Pictures
Most birding accounts include beautiful photos of real birds captured in their natural environment. These photos often provide birders with evidence that a specific species exists in an area, which makes it easier for them to identify these birds later when visiting specific spots.
Highlight Fun Places to Bird
Are you trying to find some fun birding destinations that can take you beyond your normal viewing areas? Twitter can help you expand your range by including spots that you might not normally visit. In this way, you can improve your birding experience exponentially.
See Birds From Other Parts of the World
Are you interested in birds in out-of-the-way areas but don’t have the money to travel there for a birding adventure? Twitter can help you see birds in these areas without having to travel, saving you money. Plus, seeing new birds and learning to identify them on Twitter is a great alternative to reading a field guide!
Helps Connect You With Other Birding Fans
Birding can feel like a lonely pastime if nobody else in your life enjoys it. However, the internet can help you connect with a variety of people around the world with your interests. Twitter is particularly useful because it provides a real-time feed from millions of users every day.
Makes Donations and Charity Work Easier
Do you love birds so much that you want to help them out with charity work or donations? Many of the best Twitter accounts include organizations that take money from donors to preserve habitats, protect species, and perform other important tasks to keep birds safe and healthy.
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Conclusions – The Best Birdwatching Twitter Accounts

We hope you’ve enjoyed our recap on the best birdwatching Twitter accounts and hashtags to follow! Just enjoying the pictures is a fantastic new way to enjoy birding as a hobby. And engaging with other Twitter users is a great way to start friendships, find new birding locations, new tips, new species, and more.