What is the Difference Between A Birdhouse and A Nest Box?
People use both nest boxes and birdhouses in their outdoor areas to attract birds. They also use bird feeders for the same purpose- watching birds hanging around is a pleasant and relaxing experience.
But have you ever wondered what the difference between a birdhouse and a nest box is? Both of these terms are mostly used interchangeably, but technically, they don’t refer to the same thing.
In this post, we’ll discuss the difference between a birdhouse and a nest box in detail.
What is A Nest Box?

Other than birds, there are many different species of animals that build and raise their offspring in nests. These animals include crocodiles, snakes, rats, turtles, and even some species of lizards and insects. They need a temporary place where they can take care of their young.
A nest box is a structure usually made of wood to help birds, reptiles, and even mammals build their nests and raise their kids. These structures are specially designed to provide birds and animals with the required safety and warmth.
There are some species of birds and animals that can’t make their own nests. They rely on the nests made by other birds and animals. Regardless of the ability of birds or animals to make nests, they need a safe and secure place to take care of their offspring.
Naturally, they choose trees, ledges, spaces in-between large rocks, and thick bushes. But the man-made “nest boxes” are also used for the same purpose. Some specialized nest boxes are also used to help rare species of birds and animals to increase their populations.
What is A Birdhouse?

A birdhouse is a structure that’s specifically made for birds and is usually placed in high places such as poles and trees. It provides birds with a safe place where they can lay their eggs and raise hatchlings.
Technically, birdhouses are also “nest boxes” because many species of birds use them only for nesting. Once the nesting season is over, they fly away and don’t return to the same place. It’s a common practice among migratory birds as they need a nest only for the nesting period.
Other than that, birdhouses are also used for decoration purposes in many house gardens and lawns. Some people even place these small structures on indoor shelves.
However, you’ll usually find them hanging from a tree or attached to a pole in outdoor spaces. There are many types of birdhouses. Some of them are big and used to help different species of birds to socialize.
For example, you can find specialized birdhouses that come with multiple cavities built for purple martins to promote interactivity.
What’s the Difference?
Generally, both birdhouses and nest boxes can serve the same purpose. But nest boxes are used for multiple types of animals. It’s important to note that these animals, including birds, use nest boxes just for the nesting season.
Nest boxes are made as functional structures, and they don’t usually have a decorative look. They also need to be cleaned after every nesting season. That’s why they typically have a back door for old nest removal.
Interestingly, nest boxes are also used by some non-migratory animals during the winter season to survive.
On the other hand, birdhouses are specially made for birds, and they usually come with decorative designs. They usually don’t have a way to open the box if they’re not being used for functional purposes.
In general, birdhouses are less practical and more of a decorative piece. Bird houses are typically only used for one nesting season.
How to Decide Which to Put in Your Yard?
If you want to provide birds with a longer-lasting home where they can live and nest multiple times, consider putting a nest box in your yard. You’ll have to maintain your nest box properly, which includes removing the used and abandoned nests and using disinfectants to keep them clean and safe. We recommend you do these things annually.
You will also need to consider the species that you want to attract. For example, you’ll need to add some wood chips in your nest box before the nesting season if you want to attract chickadees. Depending upon the species you want to attract, you’ll need to use a different type of structure as well. Certain birds prefer different size openings or overall nest box size.
On the other hand, if you only want a decoration piece and don’t have enough time to spend on maintenance, you should put an attractive and colorful birdhouse in your yard. It may attract birds to socialize and spruce up your yard.
You may want to go ahead and build your own bird house or nest box. One major thing when creating them for your birds is to ensure they are comfortable for your feathered friends. Check out some important facts about birdhouse ventilation.