Bird Nest Deterrent Methods

Effective Bird Nest Deterrent Methods

Watching birds eating in your outdoor area is a pleasant experience. That’s why many people install bird feeders to keep birds returning to their gardens. They offer some benefits, such as natural pest control, but they can also be seriously problematic.

They can cause damage to your residential area and decrease its value by making nests in different places. Every year people spend tens of millions of dollars to recover from the damage caused by birds.

If you face the same problem, consider using the following bird nest deterrent methods. It’ll allow you to keep the birds from building nests on your property.

Place Shiny Objects in Your Outdoor Area

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Using highly reflective shiny objects is a great way to deter birds. Such objects reflect sunlight and discourage birds from entering a certain area. You can use metallic wrapping papers, small mirrors, tin foils, aluminum cans, and even used CDs for this purpose.

You can also use some specially designed high-quality products available in the market. The RFLT-1 Reflect-a-Bird Deterrent is a great example; it’s made with aluminum and can change its direction with the wind.

The only downside of this product is that it doesn’t work during the night. If you’re really determined to keep birds away, you can use bird repellent lasers after sunset.

Predator Decoys

Bird nest deterrent methods

Using one or more predator decoys is one of the most effective bird nest deterrent methods. You can use a rubber snake, plastic hawk, or owl to scare the birds away. One important factor to keep in mind is changing the decoy’s place and direction after 2 to 3 days.

Otherwise, the birds will realize that it’s not real and get used to it. The more bird nest deterrents you use, the less the chances of ending up with bird nests on your property. Dalen Natural Enemy Scarecrow Great Horned Owl is one of the best predator decoys that you can use for this purpose.

Garden Balls and Balloons

Bird nest deterrent methods

Many people use round garden balloons and balls with multiple colors. You can just throw them in your garden or hang them from poles and trees. These balls and balloons usually have big eyes printed on them. Most birds consider these eyes a danger and like to avoid them.

These garden balls and balloons can also be used as decoration pieces to improve the character of your property. DE-BIRD Balloon Bird Repellent is an affordable option that you can use.

Bird Spikes

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Using bird spikes in lawns and gardens is one of the most common ways to repel birds. These spikes are needle-like long rods that are usually made of stainless steel. You can attach these to overhangs and window sills and also place them on the ground.

It’s uncomfortable for birds to sit on these spikes, and they avoid them. You can use Nixalite Bird Spikes to cover your entire outdoor space. These spikes will also keep stray dogs, cats, and other small animals from entering your property.

Repellent Sprays

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There are many variations of this method, and you can actually make one at your home. It’s a popular way to repel birds, and the solution is made with vinegar, water, and chili peppers. This solution is then placed in an outdoor space for a natural fusion under the sunlight.

You can also buy sprayers with motion sensors that only sprinkle water to repel birds. Products like Melnor Jet Spray Repeller come with highly sensitive motion sensors and make great bird nest deterrents.


What Deters Birds from Nesting?

There are many methods that deter the birds from nesting.

You can use shiny objects, repellent sprays, predator decoys, garden balls, and bird spikes to keep the birds away from your property.

How Do You Keep Birds From Building Nests on Your Porch?

You can use any method discussed above to keep birds from building nests on your porch.

However, the best method that you can use for your porch is to use bird netting on all sides. It’ll keep the birds from entering your porch.

What is the Best Bird Deterrent?

Installing or placing shiny objects along with bird repellent outdoor lasers is the best bird deterrent.

The shiny objects that reflect a lot of light will deter birds during the day, and the lasers will do the same job during the night.

How Do You Keep Birds from Nesting under Eaves?

All the methods discussed above are helpful to keep birds from nesting under eaves.
However, it’s important to keep your outdoor area clean and free of any droppings and nesting material. You can also make the slopes steeper and fix the cavities and holes in your eaves.

With the above methods, you are equipped to keep your home and your bird friends safe ! But with all those bird suet and bird seed treats, do you wonder how to prevent those bird seed weeds from dominating your lawns? Here are some bird seed weed prevention tips that you might find useful.